Friday, September 30, 2011


We started off our trip in Bajos del Toro, which is located inland of Costa Rica. Our concierge took us on a sweet horse-back ride through the rainforest and around the local town.

Next day, we went zip-lining through the rainforest. So cool!

Then we went white water rafting on the river! Here are our sweet helmets. We saw tucans and tons of greenery. We even went cliff jumping into the river.

Then our concierge took us on a "cultural tour" around bajos del toro, which consisted of visiting his families' houses.

His Aunt taught us how to make tortillas. Very delicious!

Leaving Bajos, we drove by sweet waterfalls. The cliff down the mountain was really scary.

We took a tiny airplane to Guanacaste for our next location. We sat in the front row, right by the pilots!

We took a boat tour around Tamarindo and searched for Crocodiles and monkeys. We saw both! I also got to hold a creepy crab in my hand. Chris was too scared to touch anything.

Here are the monkeys!

We walked up to get some lunch at the "Crazy monkey". When we turned around, we saw this beautiful view!

We rented beach cruisers and went biking on the beach, just in time for sunset.

Here is our last minute of Costa Rica. Miss the beach so much!

Thanks for a great trip babe! Love you so much! Seriously, the best week of my life. I'm so sad to be back in provo, going back to real life. I want to live in fantasy land forever!

By the way, Pura Vida means "pure life". Costa Rica has this saying everywhere! We talked to a local and he says they use it in casual conversation all the time. The phrase refers to anything that is positive and good and uplifting. My honeymoon was pura vida!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wedding Weekend

Friday started off with a Bridesmaids Luncheon! So adorable! My sister Dayna planned it all. It was located at Dear Lizzy in Alpine, Utah. Such a cute little boutique store. Lunch included OJ, bagels, scones, and fruit with yogurt. So delicious. I wish they had more scones though.

 Then we walked around the corner to get our mani-pedis. It was a lot of fun. Chris showed up out of the blue holding a bouquet of flowers. All the girls ooo'ed and awww'ed, thinking they were for me. But, he brought them for my mother. What a gentlemen!

 That night, we had a family dinner... with close friends... so like tons of people were there. It may have been my reception. It was beautiful! My new mother and sisters all planned it. It was located at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, right next to the temple. Here is Chris and I with my sisters-in-law, Abby and Ally. Aren't they hot?! Call me if you wanna date them.

Side story: Chris and I drove to the dinner together. I was way excited until I got car sick. We were driving in Abby's car. Chris pulled over just in time, right after I said, "Tell Abby I'm sorry about her car". I opened the door and barfed. Sadly, we were on the left side of the highway, so every passerby saw everything. Sorry Utah drivers!

At the family dinner, my sisters planned a cheerleader skit - a knock-off of the Spartan Cheerleaders from SNL. This has been a tradition in my family for every wedding. It was hilarious! They made fun of Chris and I, mostly Chris, but I loved it so much! Here is the video, enjoy!

Saturday, September 17th, 2011. My Wedding Day! I woke up at 6:30 and got my hair and make-up done with my 2 mothers and all sisters. So tired and hungry! Then we met up with the rest of the family at my Grandparents house. Then is was off to the temple! Here is the white limo which I took with my family. Sorry Chris, you weren't invited.

I'm married! This is us walking out of the temple. See the pure bliss in my face? I seriously was the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. Tears of joy were definitely expressed. So glad I'm sealed to this man for eternity.

 Here is a video of us walking out of the temple. Chris and I felt really awkward. We were waiting for people to start hugging us, like every other married couple, but no one was moving. They were just staring at us... so we kept kissing.

Here we are, doing "MY" dance. Chris may claim ownership, but he is lying. Don't believe his lies. I own this dance! And Chris and I are proud that we do it everywhere we go.

 Reception! Located at La Caille.

 My sister, Dayna, planned my whole wedding. She is amazing! She literally chose everything! She made me wait to see the room until it was finished. My jaw literally dropped. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life! Look at those flowers and chandeliers!

Here is a video of everyone dancing at the reception. So glad everyone got down and boogied. My Dad was obviously way more into it than everyone else. Haha gotta love him.

The day was wonderful! Best day of my life! I love Chris so much! After the reception, we stayed the night at the Grand America. Next morning, we flew off to Costa Rica for our honeymoon!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Blog!

Chris and I are married! And so we started a new blog. Enjoy!
This is our engagement picture by Rebekah Westover. Wedding and Honeymoon pics to come.