Friday, March 15, 2013

And finally, Mr. and Mrs. Abigail & Joshua O'Toole

We started off the weekend with a Bridesmaids luncheon at Cheesecake factory, got our nails done, and then headed over to the Brazilian restaurant in Salt Lake City for the family dinner. Here are all of the boy cousins, minus some I believe, that were at the dinner. It was such a fun evening with really good food! Why do I love meat so much?!
All of the girl cousins
Abby & Josh officially married!
Here they are walking out of the temple. It was such a beautiful ceremony (I may or may not have cried during it). I'm so happy for you Josh and Abby! You guys are such a beautiful couple and will make beautiful babies! Please get on that so Charlie can have a cousin! Woo hoo!
The Reception! The colors were pink and gold, my iphone does not correctly capture that.
 Jack and Chris. Best friends and brothers! (right?)
 kissy kissy

 First dance

 Nice tongue Josh

 Daddy-daughter dance
 Ally and Abby, my favorite sisters-in-law
Our table! #1

I had such a blast planning Abby and Josh's wedding. We did have a few mishaps in the morning of the wedding with the wrong linens and chargers and what not. Also, the cake turned out hot pink instead of white. Not sure how that happened. Glad Abby isn't bridezilla or I would cry. Anywho, the wedding turned out absolutely beautiful! And it was such a blast! The food was amazing and the band was incredible. And now Josh and Abby are on a cruise in Europe, so jealous! I sure do love you two and I'm happy I'm no longer the only "in-law". Josh, we need to stick together, show these "Guinns" whose boss. Wait, I'm a Guinn now, whaaaa? (I'm weird)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sorry, I've been busy

I really have! This past month has been crazy hectic with my sister-in-law Abby getting married, having a baby shower, my Momma in town, my sister having her baby, etc. etc. Here is what I have been doing lately:
Here is a pic from my baby shower! (Dayna, I need the rest por favor)
My lovely sister Dayna threw me a baby shower at her beautiful home a few weeks ago. It was so much fun! The food was delicious and the company was splendid. The gifts were great too! haha. I felt so blessed to have so many people come to support me in having this baby of mine. I sure cannot wait to deliver my baby boy, especially after seeing Crystal have her new baby girl!
Emory is the most adorable, little, person I have every seen. She is so tiny and so cute all of the time. She smells so good too! I cannot wait to have my baby so they can be friends. I can also not wait for Dayna to have her baby boy too! Come Dayna, get that baby outta ya! Her due date was last Sunday, so she's pretty anxious to deliver asap. Even though my due date is not for a week and a half, I am still anxious to deliver as well. 

Chris and I recently moved from our crappy one bedroom apartment to a beautiful and fancy 2 bedroom apartment. Chris said after our first day there that he felt like he was living in a hotel. That sure makes me feel good that he likes our new home. I'm sure our baby boy will love it too! I definitely do! We have actually A/C! and real granite kitchen and bathroom countertops, none of that fake spray paint stuff. I was also surprised to be able to fit our large sectional couch into our apartment! I thought for sure it would not fit, but it does! And I'm so happy about it! (pics to come soon).

Oh! So while Crystal was having her baby and recovering the hospital, I had the amazing opportunity to be Savannah's Mom for the weekend. She was so cute and fun the whole time! I did have a "wake up call", literally, when I had to get up at 7 every morning to get her out of bed. I am definitely not used to that. Guess I better start preparing for this newborn! haha.
 We had a blast together. Here is Savannah eating paper at my grandpa's birthday dinner in Salt Lake.
 Emory and me in the hospital!
 Sav and Chris playing on the swings
 Funny pic of Emory!
(The only picture I took of that night)

This is the lovely cake that Monette Magleby made for Dayna's birthday. It was seriously the best cake I have ever had! I usually don't like chocolate cake, because it can be too rich sometimes, but this one was perfect! And it tasted so good with the ice cream, omg. I need the recipe! Anyways, Dayna's birthday was March 10th and she turned 27! Weird, she's closer to 30 now. As per tradition, we all went around the table and told Dayna why we love her. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I love Dayna because she is such a great friend to everyone! She always goes above and beyond in making someone feel special. As I just said, she planned my baby shower! Which, she did not have to do, but she did anyways. If you also did not know, she planned my wedding as well! Which looked amazing! Dayna has such a good sense of style. I could go on and on about how great Dayna is, but I won't. 

Dayna, I love you. Hope you have Frankie soon so I can play with him.