Monday, December 23, 2013

Nine months

My cutie little boy is now 9 months old! Holy cow! Time is flying by so fast, I can't believe it. I will have a one-year-old in just 3 short months. This boy is crazy big! He can crawl super fast, he eats everything, puts everything in his mouth, he loves little chewable snacks and loves to eat out with Chris and I in a high chair. He is scared of the water and is scared of his new toy that my parents got him for Christmas. It is a ball-popper that shoots balls out of this tube and then the balls roll back down into the tube and it plays this song. The thing is, it is kind of loud, which I think made Charlie burst our crying right when I turned it on. He is scared of every new thing, it's really cute. Right when I turned it on, he started crying and crawling super fast towards me. He then clenched my arms, hugging me, while looking back at the mysterious toy. He did not want to touch it, but he did want to look at it in the safety of my arms. Gosh, I sure love this boy to pieces! He gets cuter and smarter every day!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Temple Square

The Guinn Family went to Temple Square last night! And I guess we weren't the only ones thinking it would be fun to go the weekend before Christmas, haha, it was crazy packed! So many people! So much traffic! No where to eat! Haha! It was not the best planning on our part. But Charlie loved it, I think. It was super cold so we bundled as much as we could. The temple looked awesome with all of the Christmas lights around it. I love this time of year and I love bundling up in the cold. And as I'm writing this, it is blizzarding outside! So much snow! It's awesome!

These are some photos I took of us in the snow a couple of weeks ago :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This is my favorite time of year! Christmas time! I love everything about it! Snow, lights, hot chocolate, music, Santa, snuggly babies, coats and boots, decorating the tree, etc. Chris and I bought our Christmas tree when we were first married. I believe we got it from Walmart for $50 and it has been the best so far! This year is extra special with our baby, Charlie, who got to put the star on the tree (kinda)! He loves pulling and tugging on the tree (it almost fell right on top of him one time, but luckily I was there to save him), and licking the lights. It's the cutest. This year, we also got to do the whole Santa thing! Having kids during holidays are the best because of traditions like these! I can't remember the last time I saw Santa, but this sure was fun! Charlie was just staring at Santa the whole time and had no idea what was going on. Santa didn't know what was going on either, but I snapped a few shots anyways. It's Charlie's 1st Christmas and I want to make it as magical as possible for him! Last weekend, we also went up the Thanksgiving Point and drove through the Christmas lights. They were awesome! I especially loved this one that was an ice sculpture with neon lights inside of it. Super cool!