Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ten months

My baby turned into a kid overnight. It's not fair. Stop growing! He can stand, kinda, with support. The other day I got him to stand all by himself, but only for a few seconds. I will cry the day he can walk. He is my sweetheart baby. He loves to crawl everywhere and stand up by the couch and follow me around the house. He hates when I'm cooking or in the kitchen or when I stand up. He wants to be held or in my arms while playing with him constantly. He hates when I leave his crib side for nap/bed time. He is so lovable and snuggable. He is my squishy, my teddy bear (hence his hat, haha). He got this hat for Christmas from Chris' Mom. Adorable! We get comments on it everywhere we go! Plus, Charlie looooves it. 

Charlie is just the best baby there is. I love him so much and he gets cuter and cuter every month, dontcha think?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

An Arizona Christmas

Christmas this year was especially special with my sweet little boy, Charlie. He made my favorite season a million and a half times better! This year, we spent Christmas break in Arizona, with Chris' family. It was such a fun week and a half! We saw lots of movies, animals at the zoo and aquarium, played tons of board and card games with the family, etc. Charlie even got special one-on-one time with his grandparents, who were so kind to watch him for a day and a half while Chris and I went on a little vacation to Sedona, Arizona. We stayed at Chris' uncle's condo for the night and explored the city and shops and restaurants. The next day, we went on a jeep tour to get a special sight of the beautiful red rock around there. We even got to explore on a little trail to climb the red rock and see the most magnificent view of the city, Sedona. It was so much fun! I sure love Arizona! The weather was beautiful the entire time we were there in Arizona. Around 70's everyday. Nothing like winter in Utah, where it's below freezing everyday. Crazy! 

Christmas morning was so awesome with Charlie. He crawled everywhere and loved the ribbon and wrapping paper. His grandparents got him so many toys! He loved it! Chris and I got him his very own teddy bear, that I hope one day he will be very attached to. We will see haha. We also got him a book about a teddy bear. Cheesy, I know, but it's Christmas. I can't wait for next Christmas, when Charlie will be able to walk and talk. It's going to be magical.