Friday, October 17, 2014

Eighteen-month-old Munchkin

My Munchkin is 18 months (since a few weeks ago)
I love this boy more than words can describe! He has my whole heart! He is so smart, funny, loving, silly, curious, scared (haha), sweet, and innocent (most of the time). I love his little personality. I just can't wait to have conversations with him. Learn to talk already! Haha. 

Here are some words this kid says:
"Hi" (while waving - squeezing hand open and closed) - means Hi and Bye
"Wuhuh?" (with his hands open up and out, like a question) - Where is it?, huh?, what?
"Wohhh" - Woah, Wow
"Uh!" - Oh no! (he usually has a really scared look on his face, like when the lawnmowers come by our window)
"Dah!" (while pointing to something) - What is that?, Look!

Some of his tricks:
Where's your nose? He points to his nose
Where are your ears?  He points to his ears
Can you roll it? He shakes his arms out
Can you mark it with a "B"? He points to his palm
Can you say prayer? He folds his arms
Where's Charlie? He points to his stomach
Where's your belly button? He pulls up his shirt all the way and points to it, and then tries to do the same to me, haha.
Shake your head! And then he starts thrashing his head side-to-side super fast
High Five! And then he must give every person's hand in the room a high five

He loves:
reading books
rolling his cars everywhere around the house, even on me
building towers with blocks
throwing all of his toys in his crib and then going in his crib to throw them all back out
playing ball (fetch, haha)
running into me with a giant hug (my favorite)
giving his Mom and Dad kisses before bed (he laughs like crazy while doing it too)
bottles in the morning and night
climbing stairs or ladders
opening and shutting doors
anything with wheels on it (cars, other people's strollers, wagons, pushing strollers, etc.)
standing on the couch and then falling straight backwards into the pillows. He especially loves it when his head hits the wall behind the pillows. What's wrong with him? haha.
running away from me as I chase him
chasing me
playing any sort of game
playing mini golf with daddy outside in our "backyard"
wacking me in the face with his plastic baseball bat or with any other toy (it's because Chris laughs every time, not funny.)
teddy & doggy
all animals, especially dogs!
squeezing the air out of my cheeks
watching tv/movies/"Charlie shows"
being swung around in circles by his arms
holding our hands and doing "1, 2, 3, swing!"

I could go on and on about what this boy loves, but I won't so this list is a good start. Can't wait for the coming many years with this boy!

We love you Charlie!

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