Friday, December 11, 2015

Leo Dewey Guinn

Life with Leo has been such a dream! He nurses like a champ and naps/sleeps great! I get about a 4 hour stretch in between feedings at night, it's awesome haha. Charlie loves to hold Leo everyday and gets upset when I hold him because he wants to hold him. It's adorable! After Leo was born, Charlie looked so much older all of sudden. It made me cry! For real! I was also sad that I didn't soak in just me and Charlie time before Leo was born. I was just so anxious for Leo to come that I forgot to appreciate the few days I had left of just having Charlie as my little boy. And now he's a big brother! It's crazy and so sad that babies have to grow up. Just stay little forever!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Leo's Birth Story

Leo Dewey Guinn
November 25, 2015
5:16 pm
7 lbs. 10 oz.
20 in.

 Leo was born 11 days past my due date. I was going crazy! I was so desperate to go into labor, I tried acupressure, acupuncture, herbs, everything. You name it, I tried it. On the morning of Leo's birth, I had a doctor's appointment. I was at 5cm! And not in labor! She said Leo was posterior (head down, but facing forward, not backward how it's supposed to be) and not centered on my cervix which could explain why I was not going into labor. She recommended I see a chiropractor to help reposition the baby and to try different positions from "Spinning Babies" to try to turn him. Right after my appointment, I met with a chiropractor who did some massages, but nothing happened. Then we met with Chris' family for lunch at the Burger Stand in downtown Lawrence. While eating, I had a few mild contractions, but didn't think much of it since I've had them before and nothing came of them. After lunch, I went home with Chris and my Mom to try spinning babies. Chris' family took Charlie to see the good dinosaur. There was a specific youtube video on how to spin a posterior baby with some glorified hip swaying and what not. I was skeptical, but gave it a try. After like 30 or so minutes, with some mild contractions in between, my water broke! However, after being so late past my due date, I still did not believe that I was in labor! I thought, oh maybe I just peed myself, or maybe it's something else. Wasn't thinking too clearly haha. It wasn't until I had a couple VERY painful contractions that I was convinced this was the real deal. So we decided to leave for the hospital around 4 o'clock.

Once we got there, the nurse checked me and I was at 7 cm! She confirmed that my water had broke. Shortly after getting to the hospital, the contractions became so painful, that I told the nurse I needed an epidural. During pregnancy, I prepared for an all-natural labor and delivery by practicing hypnobirthing. I wanted a different experience than I had with Charlie. And boy did I get it! The nurse told me, okay, but I need to give you an IV first. Then she leaves. No where to be seen for like 30 minutes! Those 30 minutes were horrible! I had horrible back labor and needed Chris to constantly massage my lower back. I felt like a crazy person! I was literally bawling in fetal position with my face buried into the bed. I got a bruise on my forehead by pressing it into the handle bars too hard during each contraction. I just kept crying and begging for an epidural! (I'm guessing this was "transition" that was giving me so much pain)

She finally comes back to give me an IV. Thanks. Then my midwife comes. I beg her to get me an epidural. She says oh, let's try a different position and then we'll talk about getting an epidural. And I'm all, nooooooo! I need an epidural! While crying. She checks me and I'm at a 9. She says, Lauren, there is no time for an epidural. And my heart just sinks. And fear sets in. I'm actually going to do this. WTF? What felt like 5 minutes later I was at a 10 and it was time to push! Finally the pain of transition was gone! I thought pushing would hurt the most out of the entire process, but really it was the easiest for me. I felt pressure, but not much pain. I also did not tear at all, which I thought for sure I would since I got an episiotomy with Charlie's delivery. Then the anesthesiologist walks in as I'm pushing, and I'm like thanks for nothing bud! When Leo finally made his appearance (in less than an hour after getting to the hospital), I cried like a baby (and so did he, haha). Endorphins after delivery is a real thing! I was so grateful to be done and so grateful to see that beautiful little face and hug him for the first time. Skin-to-skin time after delivery is the best! Even though I had no choice, I can't believe I delivered naturally! It was so hard, but so worth it! Leo was very alert for a few hours after delivery, which was not the case with Charlie. Recovery was so much easier and faster this time around. I am so grateful that my labor and delivery went well, even though Leo was posterior. Birth really is a miracle!

Life before Leo

 No more naps... in his bed at least.
 We celebrated our Anniversary at home with take out from our favorite restaurant, Freestate Brewery.
 Family time at the Pumpkin Patch

Charlie's first soccer class. He loved it so much! He loves kicking soccer balls and running around so it was money well spent.

 Booger face on the train.


 My parents and younger siblings came to visit for a weekend and we had a ton of fun! We went to a nascar race and then my cousin's wedding!

 Dancing with my only child at Deanna Rose Farmstead

 Carving pumpkins!

 Happy Halloween!

 My best friend, Juliet, came to visit for a day on her way to Utah. We visited Liberty Jail.

 My best friend, Aubrey, got married on my due date so I couldn't go :( But the pictures my Dad sent me were absolutely beautiful! Congrats Aubrey and Andrew! Love you!
 So, my Mom came to help with baby Leo a week before my due date. Since Charlie came early, I assumed Leo would too. NOT the case. He came 11 days late. In my desperation, I ate spicy indian food, got labor inducing acupressure and acupuncture, drank labor inducing herbs, saw a chiropractor, and did positions from spinning babies, all within 48 hours. Not entirely sure which one did the trick, but I went into labor shortly after!

 When I was 6 days overdue, I made this very embarrassing video to enter The Alison Show's pregnant lady dance off contest! And I won!!! Totally worth being so overdue haha.