Thursday, December 10, 2015

Life before Leo

 No more naps... in his bed at least.
 We celebrated our Anniversary at home with take out from our favorite restaurant, Freestate Brewery.
 Family time at the Pumpkin Patch

Charlie's first soccer class. He loved it so much! He loves kicking soccer balls and running around so it was money well spent.

 Booger face on the train.


 My parents and younger siblings came to visit for a weekend and we had a ton of fun! We went to a nascar race and then my cousin's wedding!

 Dancing with my only child at Deanna Rose Farmstead

 Carving pumpkins!

 Happy Halloween!

 My best friend, Juliet, came to visit for a day on her way to Utah. We visited Liberty Jail.

 My best friend, Aubrey, got married on my due date so I couldn't go :( But the pictures my Dad sent me were absolutely beautiful! Congrats Aubrey and Andrew! Love you!
 So, my Mom came to help with baby Leo a week before my due date. Since Charlie came early, I assumed Leo would too. NOT the case. He came 11 days late. In my desperation, I ate spicy indian food, got labor inducing acupressure and acupuncture, drank labor inducing herbs, saw a chiropractor, and did positions from spinning babies, all within 48 hours. Not entirely sure which one did the trick, but I went into labor shortly after!

 When I was 6 days overdue, I made this very embarrassing video to enter The Alison Show's pregnant lady dance off contest! And I won!!! Totally worth being so overdue haha.

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