Thursday, March 12, 2015


 We went to the Lego museum last month and had such a great time! 
 Charlie loved racing these cars on the track
 Charlie was awake after we put him down for bed so I snuggled him a bit
 kissy kissy
 Laurin and I bought a groupon for unlimited boxing classes and it was a blast!
 There's a cool museum in Lawrence that had this old playhouse and dress up clothes that Charlie and I loved!

 Girls Night! We went shopping and then ate at Chili's
 It snowed the other day and we played outside!
 Charlie loves coloring!
 We went to a bakery and Baker Bob taught us all about how bread is made.
 Check out that outfit!
 Happy Valentines Day!
 Awesome photo-op at the library
 My little big helper while shopping at walmart
 We love this little indoor gym that's right by our house! 

 Such a creative munchkin
 Playing at McDonalds

 Playing in his toy room! He always does this "trick" where he slides his feet on the carpet and does the splits and then gets stuck and I have to help him.
 We went to laugh-out-loud and had so much fun playing on the tramp.

Charlie fell asleep on my lap! He was fighting his nap forever and so I took him out to watch some TV with me, and he crashed!

This boy makes me laugh all the time and he is such a smart little boy! He barely knows any words, but he is getting there. I love his sweet face and can't believe he is turning 2 years old next week! GAH!

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