Friday, May 27, 2016

Skiing in Utah

 We took this picture on Leo's blessing day, which was also on Charlie's actual birthday! So it was a good day all around :)
My parents rented a giant cabin in Park City, on the resort, over Spring Break. It was the best! We drove down from Kansas, 15 hour drive, but totally worth it! Thanks Dad!
 Leo with his Papa, the "other" Papa. (Sorry Dad haha)
 Beautiful views every day!
 My nephew, Danny, is a beast at skiing! Seriously better than me!
 Just hanging out watching TV
 I participated in my Church's annual Easter event. We decorate the entire church to look like Christ's life. I was in charge of the Last Supper. And this is how it turned out.
Chris was my actor, playing John or Peter. I screen shotted this from snapchat.

 This boy loooooooves back tickles.

 Kids all ready for the Easter Egg Hunt!

 Leo and Harvey, only a month apart.

 Sure love that Charlie has such fun cousins!

On our drive back to Kansas

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