Monday, November 5, 2012

Bahamas Celebration!

 Miami Beach!

 "The ocean is, uh, that way"

 Bahamas Celebration Cruise

 Getting my dance on in the night club during the day

 In the Bahamas!
{shortly after this photo was taken, I threw up in the local Subway restaurant. Thankfully, I made it just in time to the toilet}

 Obsessed with all the rainbow colors! I had to take as many pictures as possible!

 And we ended it with a lovely local strawberry smoothie... inside a real coconut!

So Chris and I got a call on his phone about free tickets for a cruise to the Bahamas. All Chris had to do was answer some questions about the election, Romney, and Obama and stuff. Afterwards, they transferred the call to the Bahamas Celebration Cruise. We thought it was a total scam and made them send us a legit email and everything. We eventually gave in and did it! Of course, we had to pay them travel taxes, and other fees, but it ended up being around 50 bucks a person for a two night cruise. We also purchased a 2 night stay in a hotel near Miami before the cruise. Also, we had to attend a time-share meeting the day before the cruise, but we were outta there pretty quick. They knew we were in school and about to have a baby, so we had no money to spend on time-shares. haha.

We had a great time together in Florida and the Bahamas. I just wish I wasn't so nauseous 24/7 from being pregnant. I would have enjoyed it so much more. When I look back at the trip, I just remember feeling miserable and hungry all of the time, but could not keep down or eat a lick of food. So Chris and I have to do it again now that I'm better.

In the Bahamas, we had the best relaxing day. We stayed at a resort hotel and did a banana boat ride throughout the island. We saw all of the mansions with their yachts and we saw the local dolphins jump and do tricks! It was a lot of fun. I mainly wanted to sleep though haha. All in all, we had a great time together, just us two, before we went back to Utah.

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