Sunday, November 4, 2012

Deep Creek Lake: Summer 2012

 Ryan skiing!

 And my amazing man Chris got up on skiis for the first time on his first try! He loved it! I am so proud!

 Delicious donuts my papa made!

 We also had a wonderful talen show. All the kiddos were so cute!

 Richards Challenge 7: Hot Dog Eating Contest
{side note: I was way too nauseous and sick in my pregnancy to participate.}

 Jayne was not too pleased about something.

Sadly, my team did not win, for the first year since the start of the Richards' Challenge. I blame Chris haha just kidding.

I know these pictures are extremely late and maybe no one will care to look at these photos other than my family, but I like looking at my blog for memories. So this is mainly for me. The trip was so much fun! Chris and I stayed there for 2 weeks. I had some bad days of pregnancy symptoms and strep throat which were not so fun. But I really enjoyed water skiing, playing with my nieces and nephews whom I love to pieces, and just spending time with my parents and siblings. I cannot wait to see them all again for Christmas this december. 3 weeks in Maryland is going to be amazing. Our family is also going to make a trip up to the big apple after Christmas for a couple of days. Chris has ever been to New York City, so I am excited to show him around. Woo hoo!


  1. I love all of these! Had to refer back to the toes of the blurry woman holding Savvy at the talent show to verify that it was Crystal. And indeed, twas.

    1. False. That is Elyse. guess she has the crystal toe gene
