Monday, May 20, 2013

Two Months

 This little baby turned two months old today! It sure has been such a fun and crazy past two months for both Mom and Dad. Charlie has been the most absolute best baby! Ever since birth, he has been such a great sleeper. And as of last week, he has been sleeping 12 hours a night! Woo hoo! He is also starting to smile on command sometimes. Chris gets him to smile way easier than I can. Maybe because everytime he looks at me he only thinks of food. Not the case! I play with you too you know! I got a little smile out of him today though for this photo shoot. Don't those eyes just about kill ya? Gosh, his face melts my heart.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I had such a wonderful first Mother's day as a real Mom to this little bundle of joy. I am so grateful to be a Mom. It really has brought me so much joy and love! I'm so happy and excited to raise this little kid into a studmuffin. Since being a Mom these few short weeks, I have so much love and respect for the other mothers in my life, especially my own Mom! She has raised (and is still raising) 10 kids of her own! Impossible? No. She has done this so flawlessly while still looking amazing. When I had my baby, she was there for me to help me transition and make me meals and change diapers and snuggle my baby while I slept. Thank you so much Mom! You're the best!

Chris started the day off right! He made me breakfast, gave me flowers, a scented candle, and a beautifully written card. Thank you so much babe! I sure love you so much and am excited to celebrate Father's Day with you soon!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Whatcha been up to?

Oh, you know, just hanging out with my best friends! 
The Cousins: Frankie, Emory, Chas (Biggest to smallest)
 My 23rd birthday! Dayna made me a tuxedo birthday cake. It was soo delicious! Thanks!
Charlie's birthday card to me. How sweet.
Chris made my day super special! It started off with homemade breakfast and gifts from forever 21. Then I got my hair cut! Then we went out for lunch at Happy Sumo. Then we watched Les Mis at the dollar theater. Then we met up with my siblings at California Pizza Kitchen and ended the night with cake and ice cream at my sister's house. It was the best day ever!
 Charlie waiting for his Mom to finish shopping at City Creek
Bath Time! He loved every minute of it.
 First day at church
 Christopher graduated from BYU! I'm so proud of him!

 All smiles while watching Daddy walk

 Nice stance, Chris.
 My graduate

 We had a trip to Arizona so Chas could meet the rest of Chris' family.

 4 generation photo!
Lots of snuggle time
Blessing Day! (He kind of looks like a girl in this photo)