Saturday, November 23, 2013

Eight months

My baby turned 8 months old on Wednesday, November 20th. He has grown up so much since the last month. He can now crawl! Huge accomplishment! He loves to laugh, play with my phone, squeeze my nose and eyes, and smile. But his most favorite thing to do is play with the doorstopper! He can find them in every room! And I'll just hear, booooiiiiiiing, for like an hour at a time. He loves it! It is the absolute cutest thing ever. He also loooooves bed time diaper changes (from his Dad). He laughs and giggles like crazy without us even doing anything. It's hilarious! However, he will still cry at each and every "new" thing to him. Like the other day we went bowling, and he has never seen or touched a bowling ball in his short life, so I'm carrying him towards a bowling ball, and his arm is stretched out, about the reach it, and it is shaking like crazy. The second his fingers grazed the ball, he started shrieking! Like scared out of his life! It was so funny! He also cried at a whistle the other day. Very bizarre the things he is scared of. But I still love and adore him like crazy :)

I'm also upset at the fact that he no longer wears onsies. Like that is the definition and epitome of a baby, which means he is no longer one. He just wears little man clothes and I love it, but it also makes me sad. Like, he wears shoes! Why? He doesn't need them, but he looks so darn cute in 'em! He is now turning into a kid with a little personality and I love it.

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