Saturday, February 22, 2014

Eleven months

My itty bitty baby is 11 months old as of 2 days ago. He is almost a 1 year old kid. I can't believe it! He has grown up so much so fast! He has such a cute little personality. He loves to knock down towers of blocks. He loves to try and eat the screen on his play laptop. He loves to talk to siri on my iPhone. He loves to throw balls and play pass/catch. He loves the swing. He loves the pool and loves to swim. He loves to crawl away from me as I try to get him. He loves getting tickled. He loves mirrors and looking at himself. He loves paper. He loves his teddy bear that I got him for Christmas. He loves to open up every drawer and cupboard in the kitchen. He loves to crawl super fast into the bathroom when the door is left open. He does not like balloons, loud noises, darkness, grass, fake flowers, when other kids cry,  when people leave the room (even strangers), new things, and I'm sure lots of other things that I don't know yet. He is a very sensitive, special kid. He always gets into mischief and hurts himself, which is why his face looks all cut up, poor kid. I love him so much!

He can finally feed himself his own bottle! He can eat real adult food, but I still feed him pureed food. I love his fat little belly after he eats and how it sticks out of his shirt. He has 3 teeth up top and 2 teeth on bottom. He still naps twice a day, 2 hours each, and sleeps 12+ hours at night. He no longer cries when I put him down for naps and bedtime. He is a absolute best baby!

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