Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Years at the Great Wolf Lodge

The week after Christmas, we all went on a 3 day vacation to Great Wolf Lodge, which is a hotel resort with an indoor water park, arcade, bowling, and other really fun stuff. This boy was all smiles at the water park. He loves everything water and slides, but not so much water slides, haha.

 About to watch Daddy go boogie boarding

 iPhone time!

 3D shooting arcade game
 One of the days, we checked out Williamsburg and had a blast! Here is Jordan and I in jail
 Jordan and Ryan
 Jayson and Ryan
 Typical charlie afraid of horses

photobomb Jordan
 The whole gang
Historical Williamsburg 

 Every night Great Wolf Lodge put on a story time for all of the kids and it always ended with it snowing inside. Charlie loved it so much! (it was just clumps of soap bubbles)
 My Katie
 My family!

 Happy New Year! The hotel gave everyone martini's and some dress up stuff for New Years. Awesome!
They also put on an awesome dance party for everyone! And a balloon drop at the stroke of midnight. Super fun! But sadly, the party ended shortly after when the fire alarm went off. There was a fire outside in the parking lot and fire trucks were there and the alarm went off inside the building for like an hour, but thankfully Charlie never woke up, haha. not sure how he slept through that, but he did. He sure loves to sleep, just like his mama :)

Maryland Adventures

 The day after Christmas, we all went to the Botanical Gardens. It is so beautiful and there were a lot of decorations. Little did I know, DC mall would be super packed the day after Christmas, but it was fun anyways.
 Charlie sure loves his Papa

 After the DC mall, we went to the Shake Shack to get some burgers and fries, super yummy!
 The next morning, we went on a hike with Papa to the Great Falls. The hiking trail is in our backyard, which is super awesome!

 Later that night, we went to Rio grande, and while we were waiting for our table, we went to a carousel, which I never knew was there before, so it must be new
 My precious Amy!
 We went on a bike ride and I had Amy strapped to my back
 The group!
 Chris and Charlie
 Charlie and Amy have the sweetest special bond and I just love it so freaking much! They just adore each other!

My Jordan!
 We toured around DC again, but with Shannon this time
 Jordan took this picture of me and Thomas Jefferson :)
 WW2 Memorial
 Abe Lincoln memorial

The Pencil!

Christmas in Kansas & Maryland

 Christmas Morning! We spent it in Maryland with my family and younger siblings. Charlie had a lot of fun helping everyone open their gifts. He didn't open any gifts on Christmas because all of his gifts were at our house in Kansas. But we still had a blast!

 Since Charlie fell asleep early Christmas Eve, my Dad dressed up as Santa Christmas morning instead. It was awesome! At first Charlie was super scared of him, and didn't want to go near him at all. But then my Dad whipped out a big red car as a gift and Charlie immediately warmed up to him and sat on his lap so I could snap a few pics.


 Charlie's borrowing Adam's new watch

 Charlie's Christmas gift! From my parents
 Ward Christmas Party! Actually, not my ward, but my friend's ward. She planned the entire thing and I just helped out and so she kindly invited me! It was amazing! And the decorations were phenomenal!
 The theme was polar express, and we built a giant train! So awesome!
 We also cut a million snow flakes!

 Charlie's other Christmas gift from Chris' parents!
 First snowfall of the year in Kansas
 We went to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop and we rode the free carousel
 SANTA!!!!!! Charlie was deathly afraid, but managed a smile for the picture.
 My mother's famous 7 layered jello.

Christmas Eve was a blast at my family's house. My Mom and Dad sure know how to throw a party. We had my best friend, Juliet, and her family come and also Chris' good friends who recently moved to the area over for Christmas Eve. It was a really fun night with really good food!