Sunday, August 16, 2015

East Coast Vacay

The night before I left for almost a month, Chris and I went on a much needed date night to Dave and Busters! So much fun! 
In Maryland! And I got to see these 3 besties of mine before heading out to Deep Creek Lake for my family vacation!
We made flower crowns.
Ryan, Charlie, and I went to the national air and space museum and Charlie was in heaven!

After a 3 hour drive, finally made it to Deep Creek! You can see why we stay for 3 weeks!
Lots of boat rides and looking thug
Driving the boat
Only part of the fam!
The three musketeers favorite place to play. They loves sitting on the edge of the dock and kicking their feet in the lake.

Lots of ice cream trips!

Covered in chocolate as usual
Charlie was upset about something, not sure what, but it was too adorable not to snap some photos

We had a cousins scavenger hunt and got treats at the end!

Danny leading the scavenger hunt dressed as a hula dancer

Walks down Penelacre lane looking for bugs
We went shooting!
Everyone's favorite uncle Tay Tay doing magic tricks.
The whole gang, I think haha. Actually not, since someone had to take the picture.
This kid loved climbing on the boat and pretending to drive it.
Playing ball with his cousins.
Charlie's bestie, Frankie!
After being gone for 2.5 weeks, Chris finally joined us here at the Lake House!
My Mom had her 60th birthday!

Kisses from Papa
She's in denial

Papa and Gigi with all of their grandkids.
This year I was in charge of planning the challenges this year. We did a tug-of-war, a three legged race, a chocolate face paint war, egg toss, relay/obstacle course, and water-balloon toss. We ended the challenge with a candy hunt! Sadly, my team lost. I blame my pregnant body haha.



My sister, Crystal, makes an awesome video every year for the Richards' Challenge, and this is the one for this year! Check it out!
Chris wake boarding! So jealous!

We went on a hike to Swallow Falls! 
King of the World!

Climbing out of a cave

The Falls!

Chris and Ryan tubing!
Pic with my hubby
Crab night!
Garrett County Fair!

Check out Charlie's face, haha!

On the Ferris Wheel!

The cousins!

Girls' Lunch!
We took the boat to see the new Mission Impossible movie. On the way back, there was lightning, and some people in my family were freaking out, so we had to pull over and wait for my Mom to pick us up after midnight. I thought they were all overreacting, but it made for a dun memory.
Our last night in Maryland, we hit up the National Harbor. We were planning on meeting with my brother, Bryson, but it turns out there are 2 harbors, and he was at the Washington harbor, and so we were both confused and never met up haha. FAIL on my part. But we still had fun!

I'm so sad my trip is already over, which basically means summer is over, and it breaks my heart. I don't see my family enough, especially since moving away from Utah, and boy I miss them so much! I look forward to this family reunion every year and I'm so glad that Charlie is apart of this family of mine and gets along with his cousins so well! He sure is a lucky boy to grow up with these crazy aunts, uncles, and cousins :) Until next year!

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