Friday, April 25, 2014

North Captiva Island

After flying all day from Utah to Florida, we spent the night in a hotel, and the next morning we took a ferry to North Captiva Island. It was such a beautiful wonderful day! We ended it with a sunset beach walk.

Then we spent a gorgeous day at the beach, which was right in front of our house! Charlie had a blast!

 Check out this booger face!

 We rented some bikes for a day and Charlie loved it! He was smiling the whole entire time!

One of the days we rented a couple boats to tour the other islands. We went to one island with a really good restaurant and a lighthouse thing that we climbed to the top of and snapped this photo. On the way home in the boats, we got into a huge rain storm! It was crazy! We even got stuck for a little bit on a sandbar. It was so much!
 Gorgeous sunset that we saw every single night
 Best Buddies!
Family photo at the airport

Florida last week was the best week I've had in a really long time. It was much needed! It was so fun to hang out and catch up with my family over the week. Even though, there were several people missing, and by several, I mean half of my family, haha, it was still great to see my little sibs! I love my family!

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