Sunday, January 13, 2013

Baby Shower for Charlie

 While I was home is Maryland this December, my best friend Aubrey threw me the most amazing baby shower ever! It was so much fun and the decorations were so cool! The theme for the shower was "Baby, it's cold outside". Perfect! There were tons of these balloons with snowflakes attached to them. She made me a baby footed cake and a train made out of diapers. So creative! For lunch we had hot chocolate, chili, smores,  and cheese fondu.  Delicious!

 She made a garland out of baby clothes!

 My friends from high school, Diana and Charlene.


 My friend, Lauren.
 and... Aubrey! The party planner!
 Baby Amy
 Me and my lovely niece, Jayne. What a beautiful face.


 Aunt Suzanne with Baby Amy
 We played this hilarious game where we got into teams and one person in each team had to put on a diaper and suck water out of a bottle. It was hilarious!
 Me and my big babies

Thanks Aubrey for throwing such a wonderful baby shower! I sure enjoyed it and I cannot wait for Charlie to get here to try on all of his new clothes!

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