Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Friends... please

So I don't have any pics to put up. And I figured a blog post is not a good post unless there is something to look at, but its been 2 days people! I need to write something! This is my excuse of a journal, so I gotta put something up. Alright, these past couple of days have been a blast! Chris and I have started to actually make some friends in our ward. woot woot! That's an accomplishment for people who spend 24/7 with each other and love it (a.k.a. us) so don't be hatin'. Its hard to get out of our comfort zone, but we're doing it. We had lunch with Javi and Suzie after church on Sunday (they are related to my sister's in-laws). Very fun. Chris owned in Phase 10. Then we had dinner at Crystal's house! Savi was cute as always. She even snuggled me! Babies don't do that... ever. So it was cool. Last night, we had dinner with 2 other couples from our ward. We even got one of them to come to YBall this Saturday {if you're married and go to byu, come!} so thats good. Sadly, Chris and I had to miss the Bachelor last night, but it was a sacrifice worth missing. I just want some friends! Is that so hard to ask for! Why is it so difficult to find some that happen to be married as well? And that your husband gets along with too? I feel like I'm back to square one in dating... weird.


  1. you're so cute, you don't need any friends

  2. you will feel that way the rest of your life, whenever you move towns and need to meet people. just show people your "dance" and voila! instant friends!

  3. hang out with us more! excited for Y-Ball :)
