Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's finally 2012! 2011 was such a great year. I got married to the love of my life, Christopher. This year I'm going to be graduating. So excited! Last night, Chris and I made some new years resolutions. After comparing ours together, it was funny seeing how both of us want to work out more as our 2012 goal. We'll see if that ever happens.

 We had a lot of family come over and we ate food and played games - Pictionary.
 Nice Abby
 We also played spoons! Chris got pretty aggressive. He claims he wins the championship every time. Completely false.
 Midnight! Chris and I took 5-hour energy drinks to stay up. They worked! I barely noticed it turned 12. Sadly, in Arizona, we can't watch the ball drop in New York. Which is my favorite tradition. The Guinn family tradition is to bang pots and pans outside. I thought it was pretty sweet. We also have a sweet view of Pheonix so we saw tons of fireworks.
While Chris and Jack were playing Super Mario Smash Bros. all night, I read the Hunger Games on our new kindle. I finished! I've read it before, but I wanted to read it again before the new movie. I didn't think Chris and I would finish the book within a week, but we did. So maybe we'll have to read it again right before the movie.

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