Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love at first sight

Today, I was re-reading several journal entries that my study abroad put together. Each person was required to write an entry for one of the days of our trip. I will never forget my study abroad. Such a fun month and a half! I have made wonderful friends, and even met my husband. Here is a picture of the first day of our study abroad and the first time I met Chris. We started in London. Chris dresses a little better now {thanks to me}, but I still think he looks cute. Please excuse my red hair.

Here is a funny example of how Christopher is. This is his journal entry from the trip:

24 May 2010          Salzburg – Lienz AUSTRIA   

(Editor’s Note:  That’s all there is.  Just the date.  Chris Guinn wrote the date, I’m assuming, but didn’t even sign his name, bless his heart.)

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