Monday, January 16, 2012

Warm Weekend

We did a lot of fun activities this weekend {not including saying bye to my sister and her family. I'm sure gonna miss those two lil kids. Love ya Vinny and Jayne!} Saturday was such a warm and lovely day that we had a picnic in our backyard which consisted of Hunger Games and football.

 Later that night, we sat front row at the BYU basketball game. I won two free tickets on campus by doing some game. Chris lost and I won. Look at that.
 We also saw Dayna and Steve, who were further up front than we were... but whatev.
 We also saw our good friend Carson doing a cake eating contest. Super gross.

Sunday, my lovely sister Crystal kindly invited us to dinner at her apartment. Savannah was just the cutest.

Last night, Chris and I made plans to go "camping". We don't have a tent or sleeping bags so we slept in our car by the Y mountain. We did not have my car since it is in the shop, so we took Chris' tiny car. It was so small, so we had to keep the back door open, but it was so windy and cold outside! Eventually, I got warm and was comfortable enough to fall asleep. Sadly, Chris gave up and so he drove us back home. So much for camping.

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