Monday, January 23, 2012

movie, vball, halo, & a walk

This weekend consisted of tons of fun activities. Friday, we got home from school pretty late and headed over to our ward social. We played the newlywed game! Chris and I surprisingly know each other really well. We were in the top 4 couples in the ward that knew each other best. I think the winner was the bishop and his wife, which isn't fair because they've been married for 40 some odd years. But at least Chris and I made it up there. Afterwards, we rented Water for Elephants from the clubhouse. They were having a party over there, so Chris and I just had to stay a while. We danced alone to the DJ and had some free pizza from CPK. After we got the single social life out of our system, we went home to watch the movie. So good!

Saturday night, Chris and I went to the BYU volleyball game. Volleyball is not my favorite, but it is Chris', so I tried to be a good sport about watching over an hour of it. We ended up going home before the game ended because volleyball games are just too long. And not really entertaining. Sorry. Afterwards, we played Halo. We loved it! At first we were playing on legendary difficulty level (which is the hardest) and we could not get past this one phase. It was horrible! Then we realized why we sucked and changed it to easy mode and flung through the whole level. I believe video games are good only when you play with other people. No solo gamers.

Sunday, Chris and I had church at 9 am. So early... but we got through it. It was also the first time that I taught sunday school. I was so nervous. Talking in front of people is not my strong suit. But it is surprisingly easy. I just asked lots of questions and led the discussion. Easy as cake. I'm glad that I don't teach for 3 more weeks though. It's just so nerve wrecking. Then we went to a friends' house for lunch and games. Then we watched 2 episodes of LOST. We love that show. Only 2.5 more seasons to go. So close! Then we went on a walk... which are the pictures above. Love my camera. And now, it's Monday again. Which means school. I have a paper to write. peace.


  1. Thanks for coming!! Your blog is so cute!!

  2. I want my sweatpants back.

    BYU volleyball is actually pretty sweet if you pay attention and know the rules. By the way, you better hope Ashley Stewart doesn't read your blog.

    Miss you!

    1. miss you too. btw, you got any more extra boxes that you used for my cakebites at my wedding
