Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Shirt: Forever 21; Jeans: Gap; Boots: Steve Madden

So I know you've all been waiting for another fashion post! Well, here it is! Yay! I know... not much fashion is going on here, other than my shirt is new! And I love the turquoise silkiness of it. So this is what I wore for my interview this morning for a job as a leasing agent. I know, I'm super qualified. But - my interviewer girl did not show. Turns out she forgot and had other work to do. Dang. So sad that I'm so forgettable. It is kinda embarrassing. But in other news... Chris and I applied to live in a mortuary for FREE. Yes you heard it folks, free. All we have to do is answer the phone if it ever rings in the middle of the night. Super easy right?! And they will pay us $300 bucks a month to do so. We have an interview on Friday. So now I guess I have 2 interviews on Friday (just rescheduled the one I missed). Things are really turning out for Chris and I {that's if we ever get hired}

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shabby Apple

Oh my gosh! How cute is this red maxi pleated skirt?! They also have it in black. So Shabby Apple is having a sale! Free shipping on all skirts with promo code: SPRINGSKIRT

ALSO... if you click on this link HERE you will receive 15% OFF any purchase! Woot woot! Go check out Shabby Apple! Such cute collections. Just so you all know, I did an internship with them last summer and I loved it! Their clothes are absolutely adorable. Now go check 'em out!

Hurry! Offer ends March 1st! (as in like 3 days)

Monday, February 27, 2012

We like to nap outside

This weekend was so fun! Yesterday, Chris and I watched about 3 episodes of Heroes and then decided to go outside to see the sun. We laid out blankets, napped, and read some books. He read the last book of the Hunger Games while I read the Giver. Really good! Fast read too. Then we headed over to Crystal's house for chicken roll dinner and to watch the Oscars. Saturday, our ward set up a murder mystery dinner. Chris and I were assigned to dress as Barack and Michelle Obama. Clearly, only Chris went all out, as usual. He layered chocolate pudding on his face. Awesome. The actors were really good at the dinner. Chris even figured out the right murderer! I didn't though. Gosh, I suck at these sort of things. Then we headed over to Sundance for the Red Carpet Dance that BYU put on. It was just a bunch of single peeps dancing. Chris and I still enjoy those sort of things. I hope we never grow up.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chris' Post: Circus Circus

Sweet news! Lauren and I won tickets to UVU's Circus Circus party. Our apartment complex gave out a few free tickets. The Circus Circus party was awesome. There were cool circus games and a circus clown making sweet balloon hats^^^ see above Monsters Inc. Balloon hat. Probably, the coolest thing was that UVU hired a mentalist to come to the party. His name was Wayne Hoffman. He had performed on tv on the late show and stuff like that. Anyways he did some crazy mind reading and magic. A couple of the things he did, Lauren and I could not figure it out. 

As you can see from our pictures there was an airbrush tattoo artist. Lauren got a sweet tat on her arm and I got one on my neck.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Date Night

Sweater: Old Navy; Button-up: Forever 21; Jeans: Forever 21; Shoes: Khol's

So I bought some new clothes the other day and I just couldn't wait to show them all off! The striped sweater is from Old Navy {my sister has the same one, but no, I didn't take them from you} I bought them on sale for $10! {used to be over 30 bucks}. I got the blue button up from Forever 21 for $13. So cute! They have other colors too: pink and black. Such a good buy!

Last night Chris and I were in dire need of a date! If you know us at all, we are together 24/7, but that wasn't enough. It's just not the same when you're doing hw in the same room and not interacting. So, we went on a date to California Pizza Kitchen. Then we went out for a movie to the dollar theater. We saw The Darkest Hour. It was pretty good, but also really bad acting. Kinda cheesy. And people kept dying randomly, but I wasn't even sad about it... weird.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Lauren's Review:

We finished all 6 seasons of Lost last night. Blew my mind! Love love love that show! And I seriously loved the ending! All you haters out there just don't understand the last episode. I sure didn't the first time I saw it. After watching a Lost episode everyday now for the last 5 months, I pretty much know everything. That's why I understood the ending so well. So well done! I couldn't stop thinking about it last night. I even woke up a few times in the middle of the night thinking about it. Like I cried about 5 times during last night's episode. So much love between the characters! They were finally able to "move on" from their messed up life on earth and remember the wonderful life they had on the island, which totally helped them progress and grow into better people. Love Jack and Kate. so hot.

Chris' Review:

I was very skeptical about watching Lost. I remember I watched the first couple of seasons with my family. The show seemed too random to get a real understanding of it. Lauren told me that she loved the show and that we should watch it. I agreed grudgingly. After the first couple seasons I was hooked. I decided just to enjoy it and not to figure it out the whole time. The character and island development was totally worth it. I was sad when we got to season 6 because I knew the end was coming. Last night the end came. What a great show. I feel like how I felt after all three Lord of the Rings movies came out, that there will never be as cool of a story again.

{we're gonna start watching Heroes}

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Purple Pants

I have been seeing colored jeans all over the magazines and pinterest lately that I decided to get a pair for myself! I just bought these purple pants on Monday from Target. Love them to pieces! I think they look great with my striped calle shirt. I wanna get some more colors. So right now I am at my sister's house trying to sew my jacket that is due tomorrow in my sewing class. I am a horrible sewer when I am stressed. Also, Crystal is hogging the sewing machine, making a skirt. Not fair. So that's why I decided to make my post today. Gotta get back to my jacket though, I think she may be off. yes...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walking in a winter

 Wonderland! Yesterday, Chris and I had such a blast on our day off! Thank you President's Day! We started off running some "errands" a.k.a: SHOPPING! Woot woot! Chris and I both love to shop for clothes and try on new things. We both got some pretty neat stuff at old navy and target. We literally looked everywhere for colored jeans that were my size and were not 80 dollars and we found a ton at target! That's where I got my purplish pinkish jeans. I love em! Later in the day, we decided to go rollerblading in provo canyon. Little did we know there would be snow everywhere! So we just walked a little ways and had a little photo shoot. enjoy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


 My parents are in town! Woot woot! It has been so fun with them here. Yesterday, we went skiing at canyons... minus Chris. He has been so busy with school this week. It's his midterm week. This morning, he left me so early to go take a practice Gmat exam and then after he is going to take another exam for another class. He is such a hard worker. I am so proud of him. Hopefully he won't be too stressed on a Saturday. I vowed a long time ago to never do homework on the weekend. I never will and I never have. Its awesome. So I'm not sure what's in store for today, but I'm sure it will be spent with my family and husband, hopefully soon.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chris' Friday Post

The above is Valentines Day card from my Grandparents. This is a shout out to them. I'm married and living away from home, and my grandparents still remember me. Super nice! Thank you, love you guys too.

The next picture is of the flowers I got for Lauren on Valentines Day. When I picked them up from the flower place, that pink flower was closed up. I asked them for one that was open. They gave me a nice looking one, and they left the closed one. Today, that closed one opened up. I got two for one!!

I had to study today, and turn in an essay in the morning so I could not go with Lauren and her parents skiing. I missed out because she said she had an awesome time hitting the slopes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What we did for the day of lovers

 Yesterday, Chris and I skipped our last class and headed over to the Cheesecake Factory in Salt Lake. This is my favorite restaurant people. I always order the same thing every time too: the avocado egg rolls and the pasta da vinci. You can't forget the cheesecake too - ultimate red velvet cheesecake. Delicious! Afterwards, we headed over to H&M {our favorite clothing store} and bought some cute clothes. I found a modest blue dress. Super cute! Chris bought some classic tees for really cheap. Then we drove over to the movie theater and saw The Vow. Despite all the haters out there, we thoroughly loved it! I thought it was amazing! Chris and I both cried... a ton. Super cute movie. Highly recommend. The night was a splendid one and definitely my best Valentine's day ever. You are so sweet to me babe. I love you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

 This is what I woke up to this morning! I heard Chris' alarm go off around 6:30, and obviously did not get up because I don't have class until 10. I heard him rustle some stuff from the bathroom to the living room. I'm thinking, what the heck is he doing? What is that noise? But I neglected to open my eyes even a little bit. I'm not a morning person. After I while, I decided I couldn't handle it anymore and I walked out of the bedroom to this surprise! So lovely! My husband is the best, guys. Turns out he hid everything in the bathtub covered by the shower curtain {knowing I don't shower on a daily basis or clean the bathroom ever. tmi? yes.} He even left me the most lovely note ever. So adorable. I returned the favor by making him chocolate chip pancakes. I was originally going to make them for him in bed this morning, but he got up at 6:30?! Like where did that come from?!

Today is going to be a great day

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lemme borrow that top

So Crystal let me borrow this top last night, and I'm sure by now she has already noticed that I'm wearing the exact same outfit that I was wearing last night. But, today I showered... so not as gross. Um, also I like fashion. Which is why I've been wanting to turn my blog into a fashion blog, with pics of my husband and future babies thrown in there. But I do not dress cute on a daily basis. More like a weekly basis, hence the photos above. So don't be surprised if you see pictures like these again in the future. I may even make a title for these stylish pics. {Crystal, I promise I'm not copying your fashion friday}We will see.

Chris and I have been busy busy busy this last week. We have both had big assignments this week. I had an exam and Chris had an in-class essay. So fun! Luckily, I still got to squeeze my shows into my daily routine. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am loving TV - gossip girl, pretty little liars, and my new favorite, Once Upon a Time. I highly recommend this one. Seriously, so good. Also, this morning we had a few friends come over for breakfast. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but 9:30 is pretty early for me to eat food, more or less wake up! I love sleep. I wish I could nap during the day tough. but I can't. so sad I know. 

Sooooo Valentine's is this Tuesday! Woot woot! My first one that I won't spend all alone (poor me), but I may have spoken too soon. Chris told me last night that he has a mandatory meeting for this internship program at BYU on February 14th from 5-7. Like are you kidding me?! Are all of you guys seriously so single that you want to bring everyone else down with you!? I can't believe it! Chris is seriously even considering dropping out of the program just so he can have Valentine's day free for ME! That's a true husband right there ladies... I know you're jealous.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sorry... we've been busy

with school. Except not me yesterday. I may or may not have watched 5 hours of TV. I'm going back to my high school days. That's what happens when you only have 1 class on Wednesday. The rest of it was filled with laundry and gossip girl. But not to worry, I will be packed full with 8 hours of class today (10 to 6). awesome.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Look at that lovely face... So for family home evening last night, Chris and I watched the Bachelor (love love love it!) and then went out for crepes at Roll-up. We had the cinnamon roll one. It was delicious! Like super classy and tasted exactly like a cinnamon roll! It was crrrrazy! We were literally the only ones in the restaurant too, which is always fun.