Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lemme borrow that top

So Crystal let me borrow this top last night, and I'm sure by now she has already noticed that I'm wearing the exact same outfit that I was wearing last night. But, today I showered... so not as gross. Um, also I like fashion. Which is why I've been wanting to turn my blog into a fashion blog, with pics of my husband and future babies thrown in there. But I do not dress cute on a daily basis. More like a weekly basis, hence the photos above. So don't be surprised if you see pictures like these again in the future. I may even make a title for these stylish pics. {Crystal, I promise I'm not copying your fashion friday}We will see.

Chris and I have been busy busy busy this last week. We have both had big assignments this week. I had an exam and Chris had an in-class essay. So fun! Luckily, I still got to squeeze my shows into my daily routine. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am loving TV - gossip girl, pretty little liars, and my new favorite, Once Upon a Time. I highly recommend this one. Seriously, so good. Also, this morning we had a few friends come over for breakfast. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but 9:30 is pretty early for me to eat food, more or less wake up! I love sleep. I wish I could nap during the day tough. but I can't. so sad I know. 

Sooooo Valentine's is this Tuesday! Woot woot! My first one that I won't spend all alone (poor me), but I may have spoken too soon. Chris told me last night that he has a mandatory meeting for this internship program at BYU on February 14th from 5-7. Like are you kidding me?! Are all of you guys seriously so single that you want to bring everyone else down with you!? I can't believe it! Chris is seriously even considering dropping out of the program just so he can have Valentine's day free for ME! That's a true husband right there ladies... I know you're jealous.