Thursday, February 23, 2012


Lauren's Review:

We finished all 6 seasons of Lost last night. Blew my mind! Love love love that show! And I seriously loved the ending! All you haters out there just don't understand the last episode. I sure didn't the first time I saw it. After watching a Lost episode everyday now for the last 5 months, I pretty much know everything. That's why I understood the ending so well. So well done! I couldn't stop thinking about it last night. I even woke up a few times in the middle of the night thinking about it. Like I cried about 5 times during last night's episode. So much love between the characters! They were finally able to "move on" from their messed up life on earth and remember the wonderful life they had on the island, which totally helped them progress and grow into better people. Love Jack and Kate. so hot.

Chris' Review:

I was very skeptical about watching Lost. I remember I watched the first couple of seasons with my family. The show seemed too random to get a real understanding of it. Lauren told me that she loved the show and that we should watch it. I agreed grudgingly. After the first couple seasons I was hooked. I decided just to enjoy it and not to figure it out the whole time. The character and island development was totally worth it. I was sad when we got to season 6 because I knew the end was coming. Last night the end came. What a great show. I feel like how I felt after all three Lord of the Rings movies came out, that there will never be as cool of a story again.

{we're gonna start watching Heroes}


  1. Heroes is AWESOME! The show got cancelled though so they didn't finish it. Definitely watch it though!

  2. WARNING: Heroes gets cancelled! BIG TIME BUMMMER. Not sure if you still want to start it. What would I recommend??? Vampire Diaries or Friday Night Lights! My favorites!!!

    1. I know it gets cancelled. I've seen it all... but Chris hasn't
