Monday, April 30, 2012

Style Monday

shirt: forever 21; dress: forever 21; shoes: old navy
Just thought I'd offer you all a little style advice today. I don't have much to talk about other than I am done with school and I'm at home currently, doing nothing but looking at pictures. Chris is at school and I do not have work until later. So there you go. I got this inspiration from several pinterest pictures and blogs. I recently got this chambray shirt for by birthday! I love it! I wore this outfit when I went out to lunch with my friend Michelle. She was the one who got me the adorable purple pleated skirt. Love her to death.

{here is a pinterest pic}

So this weekend was a good one! Chris and I went out to dinner at Indian Palace on Friday. That food is delicious and it is $1 cheaper than Bombay House, which had a pretty long wait. Saturday night, Chris and I stargazed at rock canyon park. There was a pretty cool band there having a concert, but there were not many people there to see them perform... maybe 5? Sadly, the sprinklers came on around 10:30pm, ruined the partay! But we sure had a splendid time just talking, laughing, and cuddling.

Sunday was great as well, except we woke up with pounding headaches and had to skip church. We slept in, sort of, watched War Horse, and finally felt up to going outside. The weather was lovely! We even made a fire and cooked some hotdogs for dinner. We ended the night with, of course, The Office. It is our new favorite show.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Why, hello there Chris

So here are all of my new clothes that I got for my birthday! I had lunch with my good friend, Michelle the other day, and she bought me the cutest skirt ever! A purple pleated chiffon skirt! Purple is my favorite color and I've been wanting a pleated skirt for so long! Michelle, you are amazing and really nice. Love you! As for my shoes, my sisters Dayna and Crystal got them for me. Aren't they so cute? Plus side is that they can go in water. I'll be wearing these everyday at Deep Creek and the beach. My purple shirt was bought by my husband. We got it for $6 at Gap in the sale section. Super cute and it matches my new skirt just perfectly. All-in-all, I had a grrreat birthday!

{pictures of Chris were taken randomly last night. I sure did marry a hunk}

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Birthday in UT

My Birthday in Utah was amazing! Sadly, Chris had work from 5 to 9, so he could not come to dinner. But it was okay because we had a sister's dinner. We ate at Pizzeria 712. The pizza was delicious! Crystal and Dayna even paid for me. how sweet. They even got me a gift! some salt water shoes. Really Cute! Then we took some fun pics outside {see the model poses and the hair flipping? yea, we are cool}. Then we went over to Riverwoods and did a little shopping. I didn't buy anything, but I really wanted too! I know Chris would be happy to hear that. Then we had some cake and ice cream at Dayna's house around 9. Chris was there for that. Dayna made my favorite: vanilla cake with fun-fetti icing. So good! And of course, everyone told me how much they loved me. I sure love that part.

Thanks for all of the Birthday Wishes everyone!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday in AZ

I started my birthday in Arizona. The night before, the Guinn family went out to a really nice restaurant in Phoenix. It is called the Compass. It is on top of the Hyatt Hotel and the restaurant rotates! We got to rotate a couple of times. It takes exactly an hour to get around the whole thing. The sunset was beautiful as well. I got the most delicious filet mignon I have ever had. Seriously melt in your mouth. Our waitress even sang for me on my birthday. I felt pretty special after that.

Then it was the morning of my birthday. Chris' alarm went off around 8 am. He left me and told me to keep sleeping. Of course, I eventually got up and watched some TV with my mother in law. Then Chris came back, and so I went back to my room to let him surprise me. I walked out into the kitchen to presents on the table and a nicely set place mat. Chris' Mom even made me french toast for breakfast, my favorite! Chris bought me some clothes that we got while shopping the day before, but he also surprised me with a tripod for our camera. Such a nice hubby. Then we flew home to Utah later that afternoon. There are pics to come of my birthday dinner with my sisters. We also had an epic photo shoot ;)

Also, my wedding got published on the Utah Bride and Groom blog. Check it out HERE

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Chris' Friday Posts resurrected in the form of a birthday post to my beautiful wife. I want to post HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are 22 and one year older, more amazing and wiser than ever before. You are my best friend and wonderful wife. I love you and Happy Birthday!!
 The above shot was one of our engagement fotos. I have some more sweet pics below from yesterday's desert hike. My backyard is situated next to an Arizona state park. It is basically just the desert. There are tons of cacti, lizards, and wild boars in our desert. Yesterday Lauren and I explored this vast wilderness and came back with some cool pictures and a sun tan.

Arizona Diamond Backs

This past week, Chris and I have been chillin' in Arizona! We flew in early Saturday morning. We had to wake up at 5:45 in provo to be at the airport by 7:15. Our flight left at 8am and we landed in Phoenix around 8:20 in the am. So Early. We chilled, ate some food in the kitchen, and then Chris and I took an hour long nap. Then we headed over to the pool and took a dip. Afterwards, we got ready for the baseball game! Go D-Backs! We went early to watch our cousin, Reese, walk around the bases. He is 8 years old and is in little league. Such a cute little boy! Then the game started. Sadly, we lost 2-3. I never realized how slow baseball is though. We did get these awesome shirts though. That was fun.

Sunday, we did not have church until 1 pm. Such a contrast to church at 9am. So we slept in and had a late breakfast. Chris' sister, Ally, gave a wonderful talk in church. She is such a good speaker. Then we had a great lesson by Chris' Dad, Kirk. Then we, meaning just the girls, went home and watched Breaking Dawn Part 1. I love watching the wedding part. It makes me miss my wedding. Then we had a great luncheon with the Guinn Grandparents and some apples to apples intense game to follow, which included lots of cheating, by Chris and me. I came in second place in case your wanted to know.

{Pics will come soon for what we did today}

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I am a BYU Graduate!

So I graduated this last weekend. I feel so relieved! Like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I have been in school for the last 18 years, and now I am DONE! WOOHOO! So Thursday was the graduation speech in the Marriott Center. I did not dress up in my cap and gown and sit with the other graduates. I decided to go in with Chris and watch it together. It was really good! Dallin H. Oaks gave a terrific and funny talk about when he was president of BYU. He is such a wonderful speaker. Afterwards, Chris and I went to the temple and then met up with my family at my sister's house. My parents came in from Maryland, just for my graduation. So awesome!

Friday was my graduation day! My commencement was in the Wilk Ballroom at 11 am. I got up around 8 to get ready because I had to be there at 10 am. Not sure why because I was just standing around awkwardly in the room for about an hour. Sadly, I don't have friends in my major? Weird. I thought I would recognize some people... but I didn't. Then we walked into the ballroom with everyone taking pictures of us and with the graduation song playing. After we were all seated, there were a few speakers. They were short, sweet, and very good. I'm not a fan of really long talks. So this was good. Then we all walked across the stage. In order for them to know how to pronounce our names, we had to write them on a card. I've never written how to pronounce Guinn, so I wrote "Goo-Winn". Not a good idea. As I was sitting down, I wanted to change it before I went on stage, but I did not have a pen, so I could not. When I gave the guy my card, he said in the microphone, "Lauren GooWinn" {emphasis on the 'goo'}. Awesome. My last 4 years all hyped up to this point, and they pronounce my name wrong, and there was no one to blame but myself. My family sure gave me a lot of beef after that. Haha. so funny.

Then we all took some naps and then headed over to Tucanos around 5 for dinner. The food was delicious. We had never-ending lemonade and pina coladas. Amazing. The cheesecake for dessert was amazing as well. After dinner. We all chilled outside, listened to live music, and took pictures. Then we all went over to my sister's house and watched TV. TV is just so relaxing, and now I have all of the time in the world to watch it. love.

OH - and on our way home, we saw a huge hot air balloon! It was getting so low to provo, that we kept thinking it was landing, but it wasn't. There were tons of people getting out of their cars, running out of their houses, and taking pictures. It was such a big event in provo that night. Probably bigger than graduation? maybe.