Sunday, April 22, 2012

I am a BYU Graduate!

So I graduated this last weekend. I feel so relieved! Like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I have been in school for the last 18 years, and now I am DONE! WOOHOO! So Thursday was the graduation speech in the Marriott Center. I did not dress up in my cap and gown and sit with the other graduates. I decided to go in with Chris and watch it together. It was really good! Dallin H. Oaks gave a terrific and funny talk about when he was president of BYU. He is such a wonderful speaker. Afterwards, Chris and I went to the temple and then met up with my family at my sister's house. My parents came in from Maryland, just for my graduation. So awesome!

Friday was my graduation day! My commencement was in the Wilk Ballroom at 11 am. I got up around 8 to get ready because I had to be there at 10 am. Not sure why because I was just standing around awkwardly in the room for about an hour. Sadly, I don't have friends in my major? Weird. I thought I would recognize some people... but I didn't. Then we walked into the ballroom with everyone taking pictures of us and with the graduation song playing. After we were all seated, there were a few speakers. They were short, sweet, and very good. I'm not a fan of really long talks. So this was good. Then we all walked across the stage. In order for them to know how to pronounce our names, we had to write them on a card. I've never written how to pronounce Guinn, so I wrote "Goo-Winn". Not a good idea. As I was sitting down, I wanted to change it before I went on stage, but I did not have a pen, so I could not. When I gave the guy my card, he said in the microphone, "Lauren GooWinn" {emphasis on the 'goo'}. Awesome. My last 4 years all hyped up to this point, and they pronounce my name wrong, and there was no one to blame but myself. My family sure gave me a lot of beef after that. Haha. so funny.

Then we all took some naps and then headed over to Tucanos around 5 for dinner. The food was delicious. We had never-ending lemonade and pina coladas. Amazing. The cheesecake for dessert was amazing as well. After dinner. We all chilled outside, listened to live music, and took pictures. Then we all went over to my sister's house and watched TV. TV is just so relaxing, and now I have all of the time in the world to watch it. love.

OH - and on our way home, we saw a huge hot air balloon! It was getting so low to provo, that we kept thinking it was landing, but it wasn't. There were tons of people getting out of their cars, running out of their houses, and taking pictures. It was such a big event in provo that night. Probably bigger than graduation? maybe.

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