Monday, April 9, 2012


Saturday, my lovely friend Emilee invited Chris and I to her Easter Picnic! It was such a blast. The food was delicious and the Easter egg hunt was intense. I literally punched a guy in the face because he was after my eggs. They're mine! We followed the hunt by making friendship bracelets and doing henna. Chris now has a sweet tattoo and I am making an awesome blue, green, and white friendship bracelet for him. Gosh, do I sure love Easter!

Later that night we went to a Real Salt Lake soccer game. There were so many people! Chris and I were freaking out the our car was going to get towed... there were signs everywhere, but thankfully it did not! Woot!

Sunday Chris and I had church at 9. Sadly, we had no idea that it was fast Sunday {Crystal told me, "Fast sunday is never on Easter!" boy were you wrong sista} So I felt like a fool bringing in my V8, late to sacrament. It is so hard to get up in the mornings. And I had a scare that I was going to teach sunday school. My teacher companion did not show up for his teaching turn, but thankfully we just combined a bunch of other classes. Apparently 3 teachers decided to not show up to teach, nor tell anyone about their absence. Thanks guys.

On a brighter note, we had a splendid Sunday, other than being super sick and could not breathe out of our noses. Sorry babe, I wish I could take back that kiss of death. I am starting to get over a sickness a little bit, but Chris is currently in bed, sick as a dog. Love ya! Get better sweetie!

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