Thursday, December 8, 2011

byu bball

We went to our first BYU basketball game of the season! Sadly, Jimmer was not in attendance. I sure do miss that kid. But the game was sweet anyways! We won by like 30 points against Weber. It was pretty not intense. However, we did spot some celebrities...
Notice who these people are? This shot looks like a total paparazzi shot with the celebrities sitting on the front row of the court. Yes, these people are my sister and her in-laws. They go to every game. Truly hardcore BYU fans. Super jealous about their VIP tickets though. As you can see, I had to fully zoom in my camera and my picture still turned out blurry. That's how not close to the court we were.

So Chris and I have school today. We planned on getting up at 7 am today to work on our papers, but we did not get out of bed until 8. And Chris left for school without me because he is that studious and can't wait for me to eat breakfast. Way to go boy. (still bitter though...)


  1. what is that face i'm making?

    Actually, Jimmer WAS in attendance. Don't you know anything? He was sitting with the team, right behind the players bench. I love him.

    It was so fun seeing the little tiny speck of you off in the distance.

    I'm still mad Steve wouldn't do the Lauren dance with me for memories sake. Lame.
