Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Weekend

Last weekend consisted of a lot of this ^^^ Poor boy was sick to the maximum. I felt so bad for him. Check out what he made out of our tissues. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Does this not look like the cutest sick boy you've ever seen? To me it is. I think we were watching football in this pic (we never watch football).
Saturday, we made our Christmas tree! We got all the stuff at Walmart. Pretty good find. It came pre-lit. We just put the star and ornaments on it. I love it. We have it on all night and day. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
Now the lights are off.
Later Saturday night, Chris and I went to Divine Comedy at BYU. It was awesome! Such a good show. We even got tons of glow sticks, which I love.
Last night, my sister, Crystal, invited us all over for Sunday dinner. As we were walking to her door, Chris makes a joke and says, "What if when we walk in, Crystal asks, 'So what do you guys want for dinner?'" Juliet, Chris, and I were starving on our way over to their apartment. So we may or may not have been a little bummed to hear Crystal say when we walked in, "Do you guys wanna help make dinner?" Still love you though! The food was delicious!
After watching Virgin Diaries on TLC (which is the weirdest most awesomest show I've ever seen and definitely will be watching next week's episode...), we made SNOWFLAKES! These were intense one's. We learned how to make good ones online, HERE. There was lots of folding and tons of curves and lines to cut. Very difficult. I think mine turned out great though. Sadly, Crystal kept all of our masterpieces to herself. Selfish. jk.

Overall, this weekend was awesome! I'm sad its Monday again and I have to do another whole week of school. Luckily, this is the last week of school! And then I have finals week. I have 3 papers to do this week (one of them is 10 pages). I may die.

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