Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Miracle

This weekend, Chris and I went shopping at Macey's and saw SANTAAAAA! {Elf voice} and Mrs. Clause. There were a bunch of kids wanting to sit on his lap. This kid obviously did not enjoy it too much. Too bad little boy.
Saturday night, Chris and I went on a double date with our friend Nick from our study abroad and his girlfriend. I hear wedding bells in the making. We went out for dinner at Outback Steakhouse {our choice}. We were shocked to find out that neither of them have ever been there. O.M.G! Like have you been living under a rock or something? Once again, Chris and I shared our meal with a 14 oz. steak and sweet potatoes. Our waiter even threw in a free salad because he liked us so much. We even got to see Chris' aunt Michelle Orchard. Such a surprise!

Afterwards, we saw a play called The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. Miracles come in many forms, and apparently for Jonathan Toomey, the miracle was making wooden figurines for a nativity scene just in time for Christmas {he had like over a month} can you really call that a miracle? I was banking on him and the widow chick to get together, but they never did! Like come on! Put some romance in there or something! So, Chris and I obviously have a lot to say about this play and how we do not recommend it. Sorry.

Sunday, we went to church as usual and then had a lovely evening spent with our study abroad friends. I have not seen these people since I've been married. How come that always happens to married people? They are like automatically off of the radar. Thank guys. But, it was such a great night catching up with everyone and reminiscing of our European days.

Well, today is Monday, which means... FINALS! Gotta get to it.

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