Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{Dollar} Movie Night

I stole this off of my sister's blog.
This picture was taken at Thanksgiving dinner. Clearly, Chris wanted nothing to do with my sweet kisses. I believe he was even pushing me away with his elbow, while trying to hide those lips. Thanks babe.

So yesterday was a fun one! Other than we had to go to school again. And Chris had to write a 10 page paper all day. Thanks for not entertaining me at all. But after our hard day at school, we decided to have a lil' fun. We started off shopping at Costco. We bought tons of stuff. Lots of muffins and croissants. Super delicious. Then, on our way home, we looked up dollar movie times. They have tons of good movies to choose from, that Chris and I have never seen and always wanted to. They got Contagion, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Cowboys & Aliens, and much much more. Chris and I saw Cowboys & Aliens because that was the only one that had not started yet and soon did. So we had about 10 minutes to eat dinner. I made a fruit smoothie and ate a croissant. Not sure if you can call that dinner. Gosh, I need to be a better wife and start cooking some full, delicious meals. I rarely cook, which is why I've decided to make a crock pot meal for dinner today. Guess I better start looking for recipes.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just Another Manic Tuesday

We're finally back in Utah and are so excited about it! I have missed this apartment. Its a weird thing to sleep in a king size bed for over a week and then go back to a queen. Its hard to adjust. Lots of tossing and turning and sleeping by the edge of the bed and hitting each others knees in the middle of the night. On the king size, I had all the space in the world. I even brought in my own comforter. Yes, Chris and I had our own comforter in the same bed. Super comfort! Love and miss it.

So we got home from Maryland last night. For FHE, we watched movies on ABC (the 25 days of Christmas). For the first time ever, I watched parts of the original animated Grinch. I had only seen the Jim Carey version. We also saw Shrek the Halls, which was pretty dumb. Then we went to bed early since we are still on Maryland time (2 hours ahead). We also woke up around 7:15 this morning. Shocker! Seriously. Well, can't wait to go to school in 10 minutes... not.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Great Falls

Saturday, we went to see the Great Falls! Its just a little hike aways through the woods in our backyard. Adam found this awesome hollow tree and climbed through it.
Here is us with some rocks.
Rock plank. (Adam)
Here we are! There were tons of people there. Chris even yelled over at the Virginia side, calling them losers. I wasn't embarrassed at all.

So we are going back to Utah today! Very excited to get back home, but not excited for school at the same time. Luckily, we only have 3 more weeks left in the semester and then we fly to Arizona for Christmas! Can't wait. I've only been there once and loved it. Such a fun week at my parents' house in Maryland as well!

Black Friday

On black friday, we decided to go shopping at Georgetown. I've never gone shopping on black Friday, ever. Georgetown is this cute little area near DC that has tons of good shopping including H&M, urban outfitters, etc. Chris and I both got shirts on super sale. I got a black & white striped shirt for $5 at H&M. Chris got a cool red, white, and blue striped shirt at Urban Outfitters. We both love them! We also had lunch at Serendipity. I have only been to this restaurant in New York, so it was fun to go here with Chris since he has never been to New York and wants to go really bad. Hopefully we will be able to go there one day.
Delicious burger
We had their famous Frozen Hot Chocolate. Seriously so delicious!
Found these sweet sunglasses at Urban Outfitters.
We had a nice walk by the C&O Canal, right by the stores.
Cute Ducks
Us and some cool buildings/architecture
Later that night, my best friend Aubrey invited us to a party her family put up in celebration of their parents' anniversary. It was Vegas/wedding themed. We had nothing to wear, so Aubrey dressed Chris and I up. Look how hilarious Chris' outfit was! I mean he is wearing earrings! and a fur coat! I was dressed as a biker chick. Not sure why. Aubrey was dressed as a drunk bride. Her sister, Amanda was a showgirl. She originally wore an eiffel tower sparkly hat.
Here is us playing Black Jack. Chris and I both started out with a $100,000 chip. Chris lost all of his money in the first 5 minutes and came running to me asking to borrow some chips. Like are you serious?! So glad we don't gamble. We would be broke! I doubled my money by the end of the games. Then there was a raffle! Aubrey's Dad had 3 envelopes, each with $100 in it. Sadly, I didn't win. I feel like I never win anything in my life, other than card games against Chris. So I wasn't surprised. Overall, this Black Friday was well spent (pun? yes.)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What we did for Thanksgiving

We started off the day playing Turkey ball. I played for the first 30 minutes, then got too tired. Sadly, my team lost because of my absence (maybe...). Chris' team won because Chris is amazing at football. Star athlete. That's my quarterback! Downside of football in my backyard is that its covered with deer poop. Literally huge piles every square foot. Some people's faces may or may not have slid in poop.
Then we cooled off and did some arts and crafts! We celebrated our thanksgiving heritage by making indian and pilgrim hats. Check 'em out!
I even made a bonnet. Yes, I am crafty. Elyse is clearly loving this picture.
Guns were included. Pilgrims had 'em right?
Cute baby Nathan! He loved the pink bonnet I made for him. He wore it all night.
At 4, we sat around the table and had our feast! I made a delicious candied sweet potato dish with marshmallows and brown suger. Everyone loved it! It was so easy to make too! I'll have to make it again for my little family some time. This is the only pic I have of the night. Here is Nathan again. Isn't he just so chubby? Santa should get him some baby spanx for Christmas.

At the dinner table, we did our family tradition (probably everyone's) and went around the table and said what we were thankful for. My Dad made a new rule this time where we could not repeat anything anyone has said. I said my husband. Chris said his wife. They are different! We were not allowed to repeat family. Then my Dad had a Thanksgiving trivia! He does the same trivia every year with the exact same questions. For some reason, our family never gets any of them right, ever. We just can't seem to remember the answers. And right now, I can't even seem the remember the questions. It's been 2 days. pathetic.

Then we finished off the night watching tv in the basement. Our family loves tv.

More blog posts to come with what we've done this week! 
(I'm OCD and like to separate each day into separate posts)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday, Chris and I took Jordy on a walk. We were all stuck in the house because of how cold it was and just needed to get out, if only for a few minutes. Jordan said he wanted to go on an adventure! So we grabbed the wagon and let him pull it the whole time... hm.

Chris and Jordan bonding.
So cute.
Later that evening, after having McDonalds for Dinner, Chris and my younger brothers had an airsoft gun war. This massive guns shoot tiny little pellets. They were outside shooting each other for a while. I took this pic right after the action. Chris clearly had some stealth during their fight.

back to the point of this post...

Guess I should start off by listing all the things that I am thankful for:
1. My husband. He is my ultimate best friend. I love him and he loves me. We have so much fun together and love hanging out.
2. My family. They are the coolest. Sorry everyone. Mine is better than yours. A family of 10 kids is bound to have great times during family reunions... and we do. I love my nieces and nephews to pieces. They are so cute and hilarious.
3. My in-laws. Chris' whole family is awesome! His parents got us so much stuff for our new apartment. Thanks so much. His sisters are so fun to hang out with. Also, Chris' brother is coming back from his mission this December. I have yet to meet him, but I'm sure he'll be just as cool as the rest of his family.
4. The Gospel. Because of this gospel, I got to get married in the temple and be sealed to Chris for time and all eternity, after death. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever.
5. School? I guess after all of my complaints about going to college, I shouldn't be saying this, but I am. I am grateful for an education. I really am learning a lot about how to be a better wife and mother in my major. I am grateful to have gone to BYU to meet my husband. Thanks Dad for paying for me. You're the greatest!
6. Europe. Without it, I could not have gone on a study abroad there. And if I could not have gone on a study abroad there, I would not have met Chris. The man of my dreams.
7. FOOD! Can't wait to feast tonight. Today, I'm going to make candied yams, but with sweet potatoes. I want it to be a new tradition in my family to have this dish for thanksgiving. My mother originally makes lemon flavored yams, but I want marshmallows and brown suger covered on mine. So I'm making the dish on my own. I hope it delicious, because I can't cook.

I'm so grateful for so many things, but these 7 just hit the top ones. I guess to top it all off is, I LOVE LIFE!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hangin' with the Fam

Chris and I are in Maryland! Woot! for Thanksgiving break. We skipped school today and tomorrow and flew out to the East Coast on Saturday. School is overrated anyways, right? We are having a blast here. On Sunday, we went for a walk. Here are some pics:

Jayne is obviously intrigued by an airplane or something.
Model baby
Sorry Elyse
Cute clothes.
Best sisters (minus a few)

This weekend was a ton of fun! Other than traveling in an airplane for 4 hours. Friday night in Provo, Chris and I skipped another BYU basketball game to babysit Jayne, Vincent, and Savannah. That is how much I love those kids. I have the cutest nieces and nephews in the whole world.

Today, Shannon came to Potomac with Jordan and Nathan. We got lunch at Silver Diner. Miss that place. Now we've all just been running around playing games with all the kids. We started this new game called "Freeze Dance" where Ryan plays the piano and the little kids dance and dance and when the music stops, they have to freeze. Jordan was so good at it. He would stop mid-dance, with his foot in the air sometimes. Dang that kid should do ballet or something. He's got skills.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Chris' Post: Breaking Dawn

So we went to Breaking Dawn the Saga of the Twilight series. We got super lucky because my cousin Jordan, who stalks this blog, won 4 tickets. She invited my sister Abby and us. It was fun getting together. The coolest part of her tickets was that they were for 8:00 pm instead of midnight. While we were there a dentist held raffles to win free teeth whitening. Abby won! awesome for her. We also all three of us won 10 dollar gift cards to the theatre. Woot! Woot!
Here's the girls wearing their fangs that Lauren and I won at nickelcade. Okay Breaking Dawn was a good movie. I was impressed that the producers made this film so well. The action was all about getting married and having a baby, but there were no dull moments. The birthing scene was full of anticipation.
This picture is supposed to portray the horrors of turning into a vampire.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Date Night

Last night, we went on a much needed date night. We went to the Roll-up, which is this delicious crepes place. There we saw our friend Alex Coates on a date too. Haha, it was fun reminiscing about our European days and what we both were doing when we were in France. I remember a specific memory when I was in Caan, France (tiny little town) and I got lost in the city with Carson and Ryan until 1:30 in the AM. That is how long it took to finally make our way home. It was freezing and raining. What was originally supposed to be a tiny trip to see a little church, turned into a huge all-night adventure sight-seeing the entire city. We saw a couple castles! And we walked in the opposite direction for about an hour because some local dude thought it was funny I guess.

Then we hit up Nickelcade! That place is epic. Tons of people are there every night. Chris and I have been going to this place for a while. We love this game called 3rd strike Street Fighter. Its like mortal combat. After playing lots of shooting games that I beat him in, he suggested we play this game so that he can win at something. Little did he know, that I became the best known street fighter in Provo. I beat him twice. He couldn't handle it. Sorry babe. I wonder what's going to be your "thing" now. I already have Egyptian Ratscrew and about everything else.

With our 120 tickets, we got 4 glow in the dark fangs (for Twilight: Breaking Dawn today), a bouncy ball, and a war head. Such good goodies.

Can't wait for 8 o'clock tonight. Chris and I were invited to see the VIP showing of Breaking Dawn at University Mall. 

Anyone want to buy our midnight showing tickets at Provo Towne Center?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunger Games

Check out this sweet new Hunger Games trailer I found online. I seriously cannot wait for this movie to come out! Chris needs to read these books pronto so that he can be just as excited as I am.

So basically I wish I could have been the actress for Katniss, but this chick seems good enough.

Also, Breaking Dawn comes out Thursday night!!! Woot! Chris and I were invited to see the VIP showing of it at 8pm Thursday, instead of waiting until Midnight. Sadly, Chris and I have already bought tickets for the midnight showing, so if anyone would like to purchase 2 tickets for the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn, please talk to me!

Also, Chris is at school right now, and I am done with school until after Thanksgiving break. I have no more homework for the rest of the week. That's what happens when you're really smart (or when you're only taking 12 credits). Hence why I'm blogging about movie trailers. Youtube is a great time consumer when you have all the time in the world to do whatever. Seriously.

I should probably shower.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Earth Wind Fire

For family home evening, we went to get some ice cream/frozen yogurt at Earth, fruits, uhhh something else. Chris and I always call this place earth, wind, fire. It just fits. The place had wii there. Chris and I played tennis, but they only had one controller or else I would have pummeled him. We took a tennis class together over the summer and I was good.

We also made profiles at I have to wait a week or so for mine to get approved. But if you are LDS, go make a profile! Show the world what you believe!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Murder Mystery

I lost my camera, so I stole this pic off of Juliet's blog.

This weekend was a blast! A bunch of us went to a Murder Mystery dinner that BYU puts on ever year in November. Here is Juliet and Alex with Chris and I. We know Alex from our European study abroad, where we met 2 summers ago. My good friend Michelle (my freshman roommate) and her friends and family came too. It was a blast! Other than we chose the wrong murderer in the end. The theme for the night was Presidential Election. The person who got murdered was the new vice president (a girl). And the murderer that night was some random chick! Like how was I supposed to see that coming? There was absolutely zero motive, other than it was an accident. Like totally bogus! We should have won. Thankfully, Alex stole a martinelli's out of the kitchen before we left (the prize for the winning team). So we left the dinner feeling like champs. Such a good night! Highly recommend!

Sunday, Chris and I slept in like normal. We don't have church until 1. I made some delicious blueberry muffins. After church, we watched an episode of Lost, went for a walk around the river (right behind our apartment), and then watched X-men First Class. I've never seen an X-men movie, but lemme tell you, it was really great.

Now its Monday, again. I have a 30-minute presentation to give to my class that I am freaking out about. I have zero speech presence. I hate talking in front of people. I get so nervous! Gah! Luckily, I got a good youtube clip in there so I won't have to talk for about 4 minutes. Sweet.