Friday, November 18, 2011

Chris' Post: Breaking Dawn

So we went to Breaking Dawn the Saga of the Twilight series. We got super lucky because my cousin Jordan, who stalks this blog, won 4 tickets. She invited my sister Abby and us. It was fun getting together. The coolest part of her tickets was that they were for 8:00 pm instead of midnight. While we were there a dentist held raffles to win free teeth whitening. Abby won! awesome for her. We also all three of us won 10 dollar gift cards to the theatre. Woot! Woot!
Here's the girls wearing their fangs that Lauren and I won at nickelcade. Okay Breaking Dawn was a good movie. I was impressed that the producers made this film so well. The action was all about getting married and having a baby, but there were no dull moments. The birthing scene was full of anticipation.
This picture is supposed to portray the horrors of turning into a vampire.

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