Saturday, November 26, 2011

What we did for Thanksgiving

We started off the day playing Turkey ball. I played for the first 30 minutes, then got too tired. Sadly, my team lost because of my absence (maybe...). Chris' team won because Chris is amazing at football. Star athlete. That's my quarterback! Downside of football in my backyard is that its covered with deer poop. Literally huge piles every square foot. Some people's faces may or may not have slid in poop.
Then we cooled off and did some arts and crafts! We celebrated our thanksgiving heritage by making indian and pilgrim hats. Check 'em out!
I even made a bonnet. Yes, I am crafty. Elyse is clearly loving this picture.
Guns were included. Pilgrims had 'em right?
Cute baby Nathan! He loved the pink bonnet I made for him. He wore it all night.
At 4, we sat around the table and had our feast! I made a delicious candied sweet potato dish with marshmallows and brown suger. Everyone loved it! It was so easy to make too! I'll have to make it again for my little family some time. This is the only pic I have of the night. Here is Nathan again. Isn't he just so chubby? Santa should get him some baby spanx for Christmas.

At the dinner table, we did our family tradition (probably everyone's) and went around the table and said what we were thankful for. My Dad made a new rule this time where we could not repeat anything anyone has said. I said my husband. Chris said his wife. They are different! We were not allowed to repeat family. Then my Dad had a Thanksgiving trivia! He does the same trivia every year with the exact same questions. For some reason, our family never gets any of them right, ever. We just can't seem to remember the answers. And right now, I can't even seem the remember the questions. It's been 2 days. pathetic.

Then we finished off the night watching tv in the basement. Our family loves tv.

More blog posts to come with what we've done this week! 
(I'm OCD and like to separate each day into separate posts)

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