Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday, Chris and I took Jordy on a walk. We were all stuck in the house because of how cold it was and just needed to get out, if only for a few minutes. Jordan said he wanted to go on an adventure! So we grabbed the wagon and let him pull it the whole time... hm.

Chris and Jordan bonding.
So cute.
Later that evening, after having McDonalds for Dinner, Chris and my younger brothers had an airsoft gun war. This massive guns shoot tiny little pellets. They were outside shooting each other for a while. I took this pic right after the action. Chris clearly had some stealth during their fight.

back to the point of this post...

Guess I should start off by listing all the things that I am thankful for:
1. My husband. He is my ultimate best friend. I love him and he loves me. We have so much fun together and love hanging out.
2. My family. They are the coolest. Sorry everyone. Mine is better than yours. A family of 10 kids is bound to have great times during family reunions... and we do. I love my nieces and nephews to pieces. They are so cute and hilarious.
3. My in-laws. Chris' whole family is awesome! His parents got us so much stuff for our new apartment. Thanks so much. His sisters are so fun to hang out with. Also, Chris' brother is coming back from his mission this December. I have yet to meet him, but I'm sure he'll be just as cool as the rest of his family.
4. The Gospel. Because of this gospel, I got to get married in the temple and be sealed to Chris for time and all eternity, after death. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever.
5. School? I guess after all of my complaints about going to college, I shouldn't be saying this, but I am. I am grateful for an education. I really am learning a lot about how to be a better wife and mother in my major. I am grateful to have gone to BYU to meet my husband. Thanks Dad for paying for me. You're the greatest!
6. Europe. Without it, I could not have gone on a study abroad there. And if I could not have gone on a study abroad there, I would not have met Chris. The man of my dreams.
7. FOOD! Can't wait to feast tonight. Today, I'm going to make candied yams, but with sweet potatoes. I want it to be a new tradition in my family to have this dish for thanksgiving. My mother originally makes lemon flavored yams, but I want marshmallows and brown suger covered on mine. So I'm making the dish on my own. I hope it delicious, because I can't cook.

I'm so grateful for so many things, but these 7 just hit the top ones. I guess to top it all off is, I LOVE LIFE!

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