Monday, November 14, 2011

Murder Mystery

I lost my camera, so I stole this pic off of Juliet's blog.

This weekend was a blast! A bunch of us went to a Murder Mystery dinner that BYU puts on ever year in November. Here is Juliet and Alex with Chris and I. We know Alex from our European study abroad, where we met 2 summers ago. My good friend Michelle (my freshman roommate) and her friends and family came too. It was a blast! Other than we chose the wrong murderer in the end. The theme for the night was Presidential Election. The person who got murdered was the new vice president (a girl). And the murderer that night was some random chick! Like how was I supposed to see that coming? There was absolutely zero motive, other than it was an accident. Like totally bogus! We should have won. Thankfully, Alex stole a martinelli's out of the kitchen before we left (the prize for the winning team). So we left the dinner feeling like champs. Such a good night! Highly recommend!

Sunday, Chris and I slept in like normal. We don't have church until 1. I made some delicious blueberry muffins. After church, we watched an episode of Lost, went for a walk around the river (right behind our apartment), and then watched X-men First Class. I've never seen an X-men movie, but lemme tell you, it was really great.

Now its Monday, again. I have a 30-minute presentation to give to my class that I am freaking out about. I have zero speech presence. I hate talking in front of people. I get so nervous! Gah! Luckily, I got a good youtube clip in there so I won't have to talk for about 4 minutes. Sweet.