Friday, October 14, 2011

Chris' Weekly Friday Post

You've been waiting for Friday to roll around so that you can finally hear what I have to say.
This picture was taken from the Branbury club house. On Thursday night they brought in a huge blow up screen and played the movie, Hocus Pocus. This is Lauren's favorite Halloween movie, I think its cool too. Only about 6 people showed up to watch the movie, probably the only six married people living at Branbury.

  Lauren took a picture of the screen to show what it looked like. To me this picture looks ridiculous on a blog.
  Since this is my post I can say whatever I want. I'm starting to read Calvin and Hobbes while using the TOILET! At first I didn't find Calvin that funny, but after a couple days on the you know where I'm finding it pretty funny.
   I also read the New Yorker where I'm following the G.O.P. race, I'm also following everyone on Facebook talking about Jeffries' comment about mormonism. It's cool to see the power of social media. At the beginning of the week all my LDS friends were making status updates saying "we believe in Christ despite what Jeffries says". Then a couple days later a baptist church announced that they don't believe Jeffries and they believe that Mormons believe in Christ. I then read an article in the Washington Post supporting Mitt Romney. This is his year, if his fellow conservatives don't make a religion test for becoming president.

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