Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Month!

Its been one month since we've been married! (plus a couple days)
Chris' Mom sent us this super cute snow globe and music box in the mail the other day. Chris' family goes to Disneyland every chance they get. I love it. Thanks Linda!
(and yes, those are real bells)

Last night, to celebrate our one month anniversary a day late (yes people, we are still together and very happy), we went to happy sumo! We could not celebrate on the 17th because I had tons of homework to do. Gladly, the rest of the week will be a breeze for me. So happy. The food was delicious! We got it all half off since I have a VIP voucher that I get every month to use at happy sumo.

Afterwards, we went to the dollar theater to watch Kung Fu Panda 2. It got really good reviews on rotten tomatoes, but it was just ehhh to me. I don't think Chris liked it either. Maybe I've grown out of the whole animation phase. Disney does that to people. But overall, it was a great night! Thanks babe! Love you

Hey hottie,
Happy one month anniversary

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