Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We are family

So for FHE last night, Chris found these sweet Halloween papers at Macey's. He decided that we should color them in! Which I thought was pretty gay at first, but then it ended up being really fun! We used my $40 colored pencils that I was forced to buy when I was in my interior design class last winter semester (I ended up getting a C in the class, so such a waste).

If you notice on Chris' pic, there is blood coming out of his knee. Not sure why. Also, Chris would like to add that there is blood coming out of the cat because Dracula could not find any humans to eat, so he bit a cat instead. The cat looks pretty happy though.

Instead of hanging these pictures on our fridge, we hung them on our front door, since we have no one else to show them off too except for people walking by our apartment.

Last night was our 1 month aniversary, I was too busy with school to celebrate. Sorry babe. So we are going to Happy Sumo tonight! I got a VIP half off pass. I'm way excited!

(Sadly, sharktooth could not make an appearance in this post, but Chris would like to make a public promise to wear it in the next post)
We miss you sharktooth

1 comment :

  1. you lied. sharktooth is missing. you know that's the only reason i check your blog.
