Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This weekend was our ward's Halloween party! Basically, our bishop has a sikee house/barn. There was food, costumes, games, and hay rides. Super fun! Here is a pic of Peach shooting Mario, which is quite ironic.

Earlier on Saturday, Chris and I hiked the Y! It was Chris' first time ever. I've done it like once a year. You're not a true cougar unless you have hiked the Y. Boom. Done.

(Sunday, Chris and I had a sweet photo shoot... pics to come)
Does this even look like a Y?
Sorry he's been gone for so long. Thought he needed to make an appearance once in a while. This time a chick is wearing him. That never usually happens. It probably won't be the last though, since Chris won't give him the time of day anymore. Gosh.

So, Happy Halloween! I used to always look forward to this day when I was younger. Juliet and I would go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and always dress as witches together. We would count our candy afterwards and sort them into piles. It was always a battle to have to most candy. Then we would trade candy with each other. Kit-kats are my fav. Always have been. Always will.

Tonight, Chris and I are probably going to go to the Haunted Forest. We're obsessed.

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