Saturday, October 8, 2011

Haunted House!

Last night, Chris and I went to Anguish Asylum, located at Provo Towne Center. It was wayyyy good. There was no line since we got there kinda early in the night. I thought we would have to wait, but we buy our tickets and then they were like "Alright, have fun!" And they walked us into a door and slammed the door behind us. I'm like, "What?! Right now?!" I didn't get time to prepare myself for it. I immediately started freaking out and screaming. I have this issue where I put myself into the situation as if it were real. That is why I love movies and die in haunted houses.

Chris didn't ease my feelings when he would ditch me and run away in each scary scene... leaving me alone with the bloody, dirty, dead, wheelchair guy. After this, the bloody handicapped says, "Chivalry is dead!" As he is blocking my way from the exit. Thanks Chris. Glad to know you have my back in times of death.

Cool dead guy walking around the ticket line.

Then Chris and I did the Last Ride. It is exactly what it means. It is a burial simulator. You get into a real coffin and experience what it would be like to be buried alive. There is a camera inside that video-tapes your face as you are inside during the ride. The video is played outside the simulator for everyone around to see. I went first while Chris watched my video. I thought only Chris was there, but when I get out, there were tons of people watching my video. Chris said everyone loved watching me freak out in there. Great.

Dead Lauren
Dead Chris

Overall, it was a great night! Our goal is to go to a haunted house every weekend this month to celebrate Halloween. Tonight, we are going to the BYU football game. We bought some sweet matching football jerseys for 20 bucks at Zions bank. They are so legit. You will see.

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