Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good Morning!

Yesterday was such a great day! I took it easy and barely did any school work. Chris on the other hand was a busy bee. After school, we went to the Magleby's house to help my sister Crystal babysit 2 babies and a toddler. Crazy! Juliet came over too with some pizza. It was such a fun night playing with my nieces and nephews. They are the cutest! Wish I took a pic.

Also, my wedding photos are almost done! They will be up online either Friday or Saturday. Can't wait to show you all!

Check these out:
My wedding cake
Some other person's wedding cake
See the difference? I saw this on Chris' facebook wall the other day. I just about died. It's hilarious.

So this post is pretty boring and random. Not much to blog about, but I've made a goal to do a blog post every day. Let's see... Chris is currently getting his hair cut by his sister. She is going to Paul Mitchell in Provo. I don't think she knows how much power she has over him right now. One mean word by Chris, and she can basically ruin mine and Chris' life. Don't do it Abby! You know how Chris can be sometimes!

What else... I need to shower... its been a few days. Peace.

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